What does everyday life look like at Kinderhaus AtemReich?

The everyday life of the kids does not differ too much from the everyday life of healthy kids. In the morning the school-age children attend the school in the AtemReich. The “little ones” experience being together, they discover their environment and playfully try out their possibilities.

After a midday rest, the children play or sing and receive individual support. The great garden invites you to discover and relax. Music also plays an important role: There is the possibility to let off steam at the piano or to relax in the sound cradle. Every day there is a morning and evening circle where people sing, do magic and laugh together. For the children this is the start and the end of the day.

There is always something going on – we get visits from the clinic clowns, the children experience animals, excursions, holidays, celebrate parties throughout the year – just like other children.

It is especially exciting when the children are on the road. Driving with public transport, or the Sprinter, the heavy traffic on the streets, everywhere there is something to discover.

Despite the intensive medical care, it is important to make the children’s days as full of life as possible – just being a child!