The children need support!

The Kinderhaus AtemReich is approved by the tax office as a non-profit and charitable organisation. Your donations are therefore tax deductible. (To enable us to send you a donation receipt, please write your address clearly legible on the remittance slip).

Donation opportunities

Liga Bank München:
IBAN: DE95 7509 0300 0002 3245 71

Stadtsparkasse München:
IBAN: DE60 7015 0000 0000 0752 34

Donate via Paypal


We would be pleased if you discover something on our wish list – here we have listed specific things that we are currently in need of … (We can also issue a donation receipt for donations in kind if you can prove the value of the donated item by means of a receipt).


We are very fortunate to have numerous companies and individuals at our side for years. This support really helps us a lot. For this we would like to thank all supporters and contributors from the bottom of our hearts!

Shopping and doing good

Amazon will pass on 0.5% of the purchase amount of your qualified purchases to registered organisations. is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, select the Kinderhaus AtemReich and start shopping at (Please note our privacy statement).

Voluntary work

Im Kinderhaus AtemReich arbeiten über 100 Menschen: Pflegekräfte, Pädagogen, Therapeuten, Mitarbeiter in der Verwaltung und im hauswirtschaftlichen Dienst. All diese Mitarbeiter bringen sich mit einer hohen Professionalität und mit großer Empathie für die im Kinderhaus AtemReich betreuten Kinder ein.

More than 100 people work in the Kinderhaus AtemReich: nurses, educators, therapists, employees in the administration and in the housekeeping service. All these employees contribute with a high degree of professionalism and empathy for the children cared for in the Kinderhaus AtemReich.

The voluntary work of committed people cannot replace the professional work of our employees, but it can complement it in a special way.

Thus, the additional commitment of volunteers is a great enrichment for the children’s house AtemReich and helps us with many things that we cannot afford in terms of personnel.

The employed staff is relieved in many things and thus has more time for the children. But also our children benefit directly from the time and attention that people give them. The children experience additional reference persons with a higher time potential and they can experience purpose-free time.

Volunteering can also mean helping in the garden, mending clothes, baking cakes for our parties and celebrations and much, much more.

All volunteers should experience their work as enrichin and meaningful for themselves.

Are you interested in volunteering at the Kinderhaus AtemReich?

Then you are welcome to contact us via our contact form or by mail to Mrs. Hanna Fleckenstein ( Of course you can also reach us by phone under 089-0411193630.